When you tap on a location, a small window will come up. The only way to get more rewards is by leveling up the proficiency of each scene. You will get the same reward for completing a scene in 10 or 100 seconds. There is no scoring system for any of the levels that you play. You are still free to explore other locations without following a specific task, but since you have limited energy, it is better if you maximize its use. This will automatically show you which location you should explore next. There will be quests on the left side of the screen from various people. The best thing to do to stay on track is to simply follow the story. You will get lost if you just randomly pick a location to play. When you look at your desk with the massive scroll marked with dozens of locations, it can be overwhelming. We are going to present you numerous tips, cheats and strategies to solve all the mysteries in the game! 1.
You will have your hands full with these crazy characters, so make sure you rely on our Seekers Notes: Hidden Mystery guide. They will be busy asking you to look for a bunch of personal items that help them in their daily lives. Of course, the townspeople don’t seem too concerned about the curse. That means your object-finding abilities may be the key to lifting the curse from the town. You meet with the mayor and he suspects that you may be a Seeker.

Its borders are covered in a thick mist, and no one has gotten in or out in years. This forsaken city has disappeared from the map and has lost all communication from the outside world. You are greeted by the mayor’s assistant, and you discover that you are in the cursed city of Darkwood. The game starts off as your character wakes up in a daze, unable to remember recent events. Seekers Notes: Hidden Mystery is a hidden object game created by MyTona for Android and iOS devices.